The call into ministry is one of the most challenging jobs a person can have.  For most individuals, the call is without a choice. A pastor or minister does the work because there are no options otherwise.  God had the final say. 

Unfortunately, few people understand the rigors of being in ministry.  The long hours, the constant demands for attention, sick and shut-in visits, funerals conducted, the sermon and Bible class preparations, leadership and congregational meetings, and more can begin to syphon off energy and passion.

The opportunity to be a normal or imperfect person eludes most clergypersons. Confidentiality can be a concern. Acceptance for who you are can be challenging. Even folks who do not identify as being spiritual or religious will quickly share what is expected of clergy.  The need to be what people want versus being who you are is a perpetually tottering act for many.

If you are a pastor or minister, a Life Coach who has considerable pastoral experiences can be an important aspect of your ministry and emotional health. 


It is with your Life Coach that you can:

  • Share innermost thoughts and needs

  • Establish realistic goals both professionally and personally

  • Overcome the fear of not being understood or heard

  • Find a sacred place where confidentiality is provided

  • Chart a path for a career transition or retirement

  • Learn how to focus on self-care

  • Begin to balance the giving scale so that you are receiving more of what you deserve

Contact us today because you can find
a Shelter in Your Storm!

Isolation need no longer be your middle name!